Monday, August 20, 2007

Mix feeling

What is a real education ? Why do people study ?

I have been pondering about the objective of my pursue of degree. Yesh i just want to get a degree as fast as possible . A degree means that you are above there. You are somebody as term by the society.

What is the purpose of studying something that you wont be making use of it next time ?
What is the purpose of studying something that you have no passion about it ?

What keep me going on in this education ?

Seriously if not for the money that i already spend for like 12k, i think i will just put aside my study and do or study stuff that really interest me.

Why spend time on something that you wont go farther on it ?

Today im suppose to finish up one of my assignment. I really dun have the mood or push to do it or even start it. I will really disappoint my mum if i just quit studying.

Argh!! i really have no choice but to keep on pressing on it.

As the time tickle, my mind wonder , my soul float ...

Monday, August 13, 2007

Im a happy man

Hello. Im a happy man nowaday. My business has been doing well and going strong. My internet business already generate $250 less than a months and still growing. My trading has been doing well too with about 50US buck a day since i started last week. My salary in my workplace has been increasing as the day passerby.

Hope you guys also doing as well as me. My dream of becoming a millonaire is not far away... getting nearer and nearer as the day passerby. =)