Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas eve thoughts

820 am 24/12 fresh sunday morning listening to "Good-bye Days" by yui.

After watching a movie " taiyou no Uta" タイヨウのうた , i went for a jog. Jogging around the estate of rochester park while im thinking and reflecting of some stuff. Thinking of what I have acheive and also what had happen to me in this year.

I happen to view dill testimony just now. So happen i saw a girl call Ida and so happen i go read her blog. In her blog is all about how sad she is from knowing that she has asthmas again ... and she is suffering from it. When i read through it, i decide to pop her a mail. I just want to tell her " Just to be able to live and stay alive is such a lovely thing".

Recently i watch quite afew of jap drama. The drama that really touch my heart and encourage me the most is 1 litre of tears - base on true story. It really get back my fighting spirit after seeing how this little girl aya fighting so hard for her illness. Even when she knew that she is going to die , she still try very best to want to do something and be useful and be positive in her life. If she can do it, I dun see why as a healthy guy like me i cant do it . All i need is the fighting spirit.

After watching so many jap drama, i really admire their fighting spirit for their dream. They dare to dream and they will keep trying to reach their dream. The fighting spirits is what alot of teenagers lack of nowadays. In singapore , we are not allow to fail. If we cant make it the first time, most likely the society will condem you. If you never go to NUS or NTU or even SMU, people will think that you are useless or even stupid. If your dream is be a fashion designer, most likely you will face alot of problems. So so so ... what did you do about it ? the key words is DO ... if you just let it go without a fight, you will never get or even close to your dream.

Come on guys ... find your fighting spirits... Give your best to reach your goal... when you fall down just stand up again ... every effort that you put in is a small steps that bring you closer to your goals ... JUST DO IT...

To the people that care for me ... im okay now ... Thanks for your concern ... = )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! glad that u are okay le =). btw i changed my blog add.update u my add again!