Friday, March 24, 2006

My memories

i just read through our memories... it started out of boredem... it all becos of me... 10mths seem to be a long long journey...

on 24th of may -- first time you let me see our memories... that is the day that you wanna break with me... ya ... dat is not you want to break but becos of some reason ya... As i read through again today... i just find that what you say is only apply to that day that time 24th of May... i really dont want to doubt your love and feeling for me ... but can i ?? as you once quoted --

"My feelings for you won't change"
"I really do love you... pls dun doubt my love for you"

It really make me ponder ... you sure that your feeling wont change?? hmm... it is really true that when you like somebody... wadever the person say to you will be like honey ... you will just follow your feeling blindly and make empty promisses...
One thing for sure that wont change is God's Love...

new r/s will be better than the old r/s?? ...
new r/s your feeling will die down mah?? will you still make empty promiss??
if old r/s can be rekindle so can new r/s if not ...

what really will last is the friendship as it wont change becos you accept the person as he/she is...

i always tell myself... to be able to love ppl, first i have to love God, myself and my family... if i cant love them ... den i wont be able to love people around me...

Why do we have so many problem about r/s?? what is the solution to it?? well... after much hurt and serching... i found the answer... the answer is Bible...
Bible is the greatest love letter, love poem, love instruction that God has ever written... i really hope that not only you... but the youth can be able to see the light rather than indulge in r/s... i am telling myself too... hope that everybody will be fine...

feeling is just a period thing ... but if you keep on thinking about it the feeling will naturely grow as you bulid up the feeling ...

devil works 24/7 dyas--- so beware

Love is patient , Love is kind ...

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